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信義區最新成立無國界曰本料理,位於台北時尚都會圈的重要指標-信義計劃區101商圈的RAW Sushi Bistro,將以日式創意生食料理,配合美式Hollywood Luxury Casual奢華休閒氛圍,開創美食新視野
一個諸多媒體報導過的少年創業家(七年級生) + 曾在世界最大電子商務網站服務的客戶經理(六年級生) 我們現在合作的事業體(一家小公司)現在要擴大徵人了 本業美妝產品已獲得小成功 現在要成立電子商務事業部,我們要找業務(正職.兼職皆需要),條件如下: 在我們的想法:客戶第一,員工第二,股東(老闆)第三,所以我們很在乎員工的福利跟照顧 我們重視你的態度及人格特質更甚你的能力,我們不想把你當員工而想把你當夥伴,所以我們要找正直及善於溝通之人 1、願同甘共苦,未來利潤共享,男女不拘 2、限高中以上學歷,熱愛閱讀,因兩個老闆都愛看書,可能會在喝下午茶時找妳討論哪本書寫的如何。 3、不排斥運動,因為我們有打算送員工隔壁百貨公司健身房的會員資格,因為我們自己也是會員。 4、樂觀積極,抗壓性強,對自己有自信,我們怕妳受到挫折就哭,兩個大男人真不知道怎麼安慰女生。 5、只靠底薪經濟狀況能撐得住前三個月,第四個月後妳有極大可能會領的比一般公司的主管還多。 6、不會抽菸的,因為兩個老闆不希望被二手煙嗆死。 7、七年級老闆決定給同仁坐一張兩萬元的椅子,希望妳在工作時不會如坐針氈。 8、希望妳快樂工作而不得意忘形,希望大家以禮相待,我們希望這是一個氣氛很融洽的環境。 9、對網路要有些概念,如果對關鍵字廣告或seo能有一些認識最好,如果沒有,也希望妳有在玩fb或 blog,如果都沒有至少要有一些業務經驗,如果以上都沒有,但妳仍覺得妳適合做業務,那我 們也願意聽聽妳的想法。 10、要有交通工具(至少要有機車),因為妳會需要常跑客戶。 11、正職的最好是住在台南,兼職則不限。 12、必須認同阿里巴巴創辦人馬雲所說的這句話: 準時下班是應該的,不準時下班也是應該的,只有工作 沒做完是不應該的。 我們試圖創造一個快樂工作的環境,我們也願意非常大方的利潤共享,所以我們要找到很適合我們的人 以上條件,若有符合或有興趣者,請留言回覆或將相關履歷寄至[email protected] 黃先生
In the field of professional casino products, MING Is equipments have been regarded as the best for more than 20 years since 1978. Competition has not affected the quality and popularity, and the reputation has been spread to many parts of the world. We specialize in manufacture of professional casino table accessories, and we principally take care of Blackjack, Baccarat, Poker, Roulette, Craps, Pai-Gow, Keno, and many kinds of table game accessories, like brass and stainless steel drink holder and ashtray, security drop boxes and tip boxes, dealer shoes, clay chips, chip tray, poker chip set, casino dice, cutting card, quality roulette balls, wheel checks, and solid brass win markers...etc.                                We are able to supply with any kind of equipment relating to gaming table according to a customer’s project. In our service you could submit some new ideas which will be converted into the final innovative product, which can improve the value of the game table, and also your companys good reputation. From the raw material, through a strict production process, we can obtain the finished quality product, and finally with the professional delivery services, you are going to have such as works of art like a perfect service experience, also to make a successful business to operate more smoothly.
We are a reputable manufacturer with over 20 years experience in making variety of bags; luggage and massagers. Our factory located in Dong Guan, China with over 350 workers and occupying 40,000 square meters of land. All accessories and raw materials come from Tai wan and Taiwanese factory in China in order to meet up middle to high quality level. Our products covering all kind of bags; trolley cases and suitcases in different materials and size, such as: beauty cases; camera bags; cosmetic bags; sport bags and EVA travel cases etc.
Skytex Company is a specialist to supply textile machinery, material products.  Since 1988 ● M.D. MR WANG works for TAIWAN NEEDLE LOOM MACHINE Manufacturer. ( 1977-1988 ) ● SKYTEX was built in 1988 and started to sell  > NARROW FABRIC NEEDLE LOOM AND  > HOOK LOOP ( VELCRO) TAPE MAKING MACHINERY,AND PARTS AS, LENO HEALD, LANCET, NEEDLE ROLLER HOOK CUTTER. ● 1990, Start to design and produce  > CONTINOUS DYEING MACHINE for use of the NYLON BRA. STRAP dyeing And finishing.  > HANK SPRAY DYEING MACHINE for STRAP, ROPE dyeing ● 1991, Start to dealing and export  > LACE BAND CROCHET KNITTING MACHINE  > FANCY YARN CROCHET KNITTING MACHINE  > FULLY AUTO SHOELACE TIPPING MACHINE   TIPPING FILM ● 1992, Start to design and produce  > DIRECT WARPING MACHINE for high quality tapes  making field. ● 1997, Start to design and produce  > HIGH SPEED BRAID KNITTING MACHINE ● 2000, Special design and produce for buyer  > SAFETY BELT CONTINUOUS DYEING MACHINE for car industry.  Production capacity: 30 meters x 4 tapes (120 meters/min)  > SAFETY BELT WINDING MACHINE ● 2004, Special design and produce for buyer  > FABRIC STEAM DRYER ( 4 cylinder ).  > FABRIC BATCH WINDING MACHINE ( 900mmD x  1750mmL) ● 2004, Modified design and produce  > HIGH SPEED BRAID KNITTING MACHINE ,for heavy  elastic braid.  > RUBBER THREAD WARPING MACHINE, for bare or  covered rubber We can supply the newest technology and systematic plan, including the design of PRODUCTION LINE, RAW MATERIAL, MACHINERY MANUFACTURING, INSTALLATION, TEST RUNNING and KNOW-HOW. SKYTEX COMPANY can offer our best service for you sincerely and we are glad to be your a good partner.
勝典科技股份有限公司於2000年7月底成立於高雄市,目前於台北及高雄市均設有辦公室,主要營運範圍為網路教材相關產品的開發與服務的提供。 勝典科技以「數位化內容的提供者」(Digital Content Provider)自許;結合企 業管理(Business Administration)、廣告(Advertisement)、多媒體(Multimedia)及系統教育科技(Instructional Technology)等領域的專才,期望透過電腦豐富的媒體 元件,網路無遠弗屆的傳播、互動能力,賦予各種素材(Raw Material)專業 以及精緻的數位呈現方式,為客戶提供專屬的數位內容及整體解決方案。
SS Co., was established in 2005. Founder had earlier served as head of OPH Department in Pharmica Company. Before the establishment of SS Co , the founder has been dedicated to sale of eye care pharmaceuticals, nutritional supplements, ocular surgical devices Based on business needs, at the end of 2009 set up a subsidiary Cosmos-bio, Inc., responsible for the introduction of foreign raw materials and finished products. We have 600 dealers, including Medical Centers, hospitals, and two of the largest health care access: WELLCARE(200 branches)and MedFirst Healthcare Services, Inc(160 branches) Our company employs 7 people. Ophthalmic products sales staff have many years of extensive sales experience. They have worked for Alcon, AMO, Pharmica. It is a group of professional sales staff Our annual turnover is more than one million U.S. dollars in 2009. Major Products & Services l LUTEIN Eye Vitamin and Mineral Supplement l Cranberry caps l Collagen l DLPC soft caps l Sale of prescription drugs l Distributor of UNION CHEM &PHARM CO.,LTD.--latanoprost eye drops &( latanoprost+timolol) eye drops l ASPHERIC IOL
FU RONG (KAI RONG) company specializes in producing any kind of rubber magnet, including the most popular 3+ magi mags tape, promotional magnets, magnetic Photo Frames, metal sheet and other technical raw materials. The company is well-known as the first ISO 9001:2000 certified factory for rubber/plastic magnets. Established in 1977, the company has been insisting on our managing mottos "speedy, pragmatic and innovative" under staffs effort for 30 years. Having a breakthrough over the traditional technology and a sustainable researching and developing of new tech, we introduce brand-new, proven equipment and adopt high-quality imported materials to produce high-end products, of which quality meets the international ecological standard is approved with heavy metal tests in Europe and U.S. Our patent earth-friendly rubber, plastic magnets are safe and practical for needs in daily life. We will keep launching new products and offering quality service for total customer satisfactions. 富嶸(開嶸)專業磁鐵製造廠成立於1977年,目前榮獲ISO9001:2008國際認證,主要為橡、塑膠永久磁鐵原料生產與創新專利磁性商品設計製造。 開嶸磁鐵在台灣擁有三項第一: .生產製造原料第一家(技術肯定) .擁有ISO品質認證第一家(品質認定) .榮獲經濟部創新研發獎(發明創新) 不但如此,在國際上更榮獲歐、美、台、日、韓等多國殊榮獎項與專利產品。
為台塑關係企業, 經營上以塑膠工業為主體,而在纖維、紡織、染整、電子材料、教育及醫療方面也都佔有相當份量。近年來積極投入六輕工程,除生產各項石化原料外,也擴及煉油、輕油裂解及電力等事業經營。主要生產事業機構有台塑、南亞、台化、和台塑石化等十餘家關係企業和海外投資事業。公益事業長則包括明志科技大學、長庚醫院、長庚大學和長庚技術學院。 合作夥伴: Champion Motorsports Eisenmann提供高品質的排氣管代工服務; 適用車種:PORSHE,M.BENZ,BMW,BMW Mini,AUDI,VW等歐系車 FABSPEED URMS/ United Raw Material Solutions Inc. Blue Raven Technology
We, BLUE MAX GROUP as well as a professional RD, processing and marketing seafood company, is located in Kaohsiung City in Taiwan and established in2001. Our products are sold to North America, Australia, Russia,Middle-East, West, South and North Europe, Africa, South America, Japan and South-East Asia and so on. Because of our employees’ effort, we are progressing steadily in our extra selling markets. First of all, it is our responsibility for our consumers’ health to monitor the farm-raised fish ponds and raw materials quality strictly. Secondly, it is our persistence to manufacture stable and high quality merchandises under a severe procedure management. Finally, it is our service faith to control each consignment on time and respect all our customers’ reaction. In addition, we expect to innovate in our customers’ requirements and improve our products quality continuously. Based on our surefooted and plodding Taiwan local spirit, we, Blue Max Group, recommend and provide delicate seafood for all our worldwide partners and we win their confidence and trust. Therefore, Blue Max Group turnover increases by 20% every year. From now on, we will encourage ourselves to supply healthy, high quality, varied, delicious and satisfying Taiwanese seafood products for all our friends as well as our clientele all over the world.
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